Storm Tide Risk Assessment and High Resolution Modelling of Historic Tropical Cyclone Storm Tides in Nadi Bay, Fiji

This report details information on tropical cyclone (TC) induced storm surges and coastal sea levels. It summarises how the risk of these events may change under future climate scenarios and provides detailed hydrodynamic modelling of two recent TCs with a focus on the spatial variation of extreme sea levels along the Nadi coastline. This high resolution modelling highlights uncertainties in extreme sea level predictions associated with large gaps in high resolution bathymetry and topography near shore.

This publication was produced under the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) programme.

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Detailed Descriptions
040604 - Natural Hazards, 080110 - Simulation and Modelling , 040104 - Climate Change Processes, 040608 - Surfacewater Hydrology
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Start Start text End End text
Attributions and Constraints
© Government of Solomon Islands 2014. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
Kathy McInnes and Ron Hoeke, Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
McInnes. K., Hoeke. R. 2014, Storm Tide Risk Assessment and High Resolution Modelling of Historic Tropical Cyclone Storm Tides in Nadi Bay, Fiji - Final Report. Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)