Summary of Biophysical Data for Climate Change Adaptation for the East Coast Cluster

Numerous types of data are required to inform climate change adaptation for natural resource management. The baseline datasets required detail the existing distribution of species and ecosystems and these will respond differently (i.e. vary in their sensitivity) to the changes in climate.

Information on sensitivity can be combined with information on the exposure of natural resources to changes in climate to highlight the potential impact of climate change on the distribution and function of natural resources. The capacity of these ecosystems to adapt will be based on, for example, their ecological characteristics or land use. By understanding the potential impact of climate change on natural resources and their capacity to adapt to these impacts, we can plan for climate change adaptation. Here, we summarise the tools and data currently available to assist NRM regional bodies in climate adaptation planning.



Detailed Descriptions
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Hunter-Central Rivers, Fitzroy, Northern Rivers, South East Queensland, Burnett Mary, Sydney Metro
South Eastern Queensland, Brigalow Belt North, South Eastern Highlands, Brigalow Belt South, Sydney Basin, NSW North Coast, Central Mackay Coast
Start 2013/09/01 Start text End 2014/07/01 End text
Attributions and Constraints
All rights reserved
The University of Queensland
Christine Hosking (Adams-Hosking), Morena Mills, Cath Lovelock
Christine Hosking, Morena Mills and Cath Lovelock (2014). Summary of Biophysical Data for Climate Change Adaptation for the East Coast Cluster. Global Change Institute, The University of Queensland.
Dr Christine Hosking