Spatial data for agriculture and climate change projections in the East Coast Cluster

The dataset is at 10x10 km resolution and covers the continent of Australia. It comprises predictive models for the following commodities: Cropping, Grazing and Avocado production.

The models were developed using Maxent, a species distribution modelling tool. Two Global Climate Models (GCM) and a range of climate and environmental variables were incorporated with the A1FI 'business as usual' emissions scenario to investigate spatial areas of highest probability (or suitability) for the three modelled commodities. The results were for the current climate and future climates at 2025 and 2035.

There was a general decline and shifts in highest suitability areas by 2035 for Cropping, Grazing and Avocado, with these results more pronounced under the 'worst case' GCM.



Detailed Descriptions
070104 - Agricultural Spatial Analysis and Modelling, 070102 - Agricultural Land Planning
Geographic and Temporal Extents
Northern Coast, South East Queensland, Greater Sydney, Burnett Mary, Fitzroy, Hunter
Brigalow Belt South, South Eastern Queensland, Brigalow Belt North, Central Mackay Coast, South Eastern Highlands, Sydney Basin, NSW North Coast
Start 1990/01/01 Start text End 2035/01/01 End text
Attributions and Constraints
All rights reserved
The University of Queensland
Christine Hosking (Adams-Hosking), Morena Mills, Cath Lovelock
Christine Hosking, Morena Mills and Cath Lovelock (2014) Climate Change and Agriculture: Spatial dataset. Global Change Institute, The University of Queensland.
Christine Hosking.