East Coast NRM Collection

This collection contains materials produced by the East Coast Cluster of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program.  The Program aims to improve the capacity of regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) organisations in Australia to plan for climate change.

 This program was developed as part of the Australian Government's Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change Fund. The aim of the project was to deliver quality information and support to assist the natural resource management organisations of the East Coast Cluster in planning responses to climate change. 

The consortium was led by the University of Queensland in collaboration with its partners Griffith University, CSIRO, University of Sunshine Coast, New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage, and the Queensland Herbarium.

About the Cluster: The East Coast cluster region comprises coastal regions from Rockhampton to Sydney. These are: Fitzroy, Burnett Mary, South East Queensland (QLD); North Coast, Hunter, Greater Sydney, and parts of Northern Tablelands and Central Tablelands (NSW).


Repository ItemClimate Change and Agriculture: a study for the Fitzroy Basin Association
The Fitzroy Basin NRM region in central Queensland comprises 15,685,900 ha total land area. Agriculture is the major land use, with up to 90% of the landscape used to produce food and fibre . The region has approximately 12.4M ha of land for grazing and 865,000 ha for cropping. This report investigates the impacts of climate change on cropping and grazing in the Fitzroy region.
Repository Item Pascal source codeClimate Change and Agriculture: a study for the Burnett Mary Regional Group
The Burnett Mary Region encompasses a land area of more than 56,000 square kilometres. Extensive agricultural production within the region includes grain crops, avocado production and grazing. In 2010-2011, the Wide Bay Region had 159,117 ha of land mainly used for cropping, 3,648,162 ha for grazing and produced 8,384,055 kg of avocado. This report investigates the impacts of climate change on cropping, avocado and grazing in the Burnett Mary NRM region.
Repository Item RealAudio documentClimate Change and Agriculture: a study for the SEQ Catchments NRM
The Southeast Queensland region covers an area of approximately 23,000 km2 . In 2010-2011, the Gold Coast had 5,680 ha of cropping and 17,620 ha of grazing land and Ipswich 26,113 and 378,597 ha respectively. In 2012-2013, the Gold Coast produced 206,802 kg, of avocado, Ipswich, 193,603 kg, the Moreton Bay region 542,538 kg and 999,851 kg in the Sunshine Coast. This report investigates the impacts of climate change on cropping, grazing and avocado in the Southeast Queensland region.
Repository ItemClimate Change and Agriculture: a study for the North Coast Local Land Services
In New South Wales there was 45,328,336 ha of grazing and 9,098,949 ha for cropping land and the state produced 4,156,603 kg of avocado.The North Coast LLS Region covers an area of approximately 32,120 sq. km. Its key areas of production include beef cattle and varied horticulture. For example the Grafton region had 13,445 ha of cropping and 270,737 ha of grazing land in 2010-2011 and produced 175,928 kg of avocado.This report investigates the impacts of climate change on cropping, grazing and avocado production in the North Coast LLS region.
Repository ItemClimate Change and Agriculture: a study for the Hunter Local Land Services
In New South Wales there was 45,328,336 ha of grazing land and 9,098,949 ha for cropping and the state produced 4,156,603 kg of avocado. The Hunter LLS region covers an area of 33,000 square kilometres east of the Great Dividing Range. In the 2012-2013 period, the Hunter Valley had 928,766 ha for grazing and 60,736 ha for cropping. The region produced 43,157 kg of avocado (ABS 2014). This report investigates the impacts of climate change on cropping, grazing and avocado production in the Hunter LLS region.
Repository ItemClimate Change and Grazing: a study for the Greater Sydney Local Land Services
In New South Wales there was 45,328,336 ha of grazing land. The Greater Sydney Local Land Service region covers an area of 12,474 square kilometres. In the 2010-2011 period, the Sydney Outer West and Blue Mountains region had 11,129 ha of land used for grazing. This report investigates the impacts of climate change on grazing in the Greater Sydney LLS region.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)Predicting changes in the distribution of a specialist folivore and its habitat in response to climate change : a koala case study. Summary of Christine Adams-Hosking et al (2012)
The koala is a widely distributed specialist folivorous arboreal marsupial that is particularly vulnerable to climate change. In response to evidence of significant declines in regional koala populations the koala was listed in May 2012 as vulnerable under Commonwealth law (EPBC Act 1999) in Queensland, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. We calculated where the koala and its food trees may co-occur under future climate change.
Repository ItemPlanning for coastal development and environmental conservation with rising seas: Moreton Bay Regional Council case study. Summary of Mills et al. (in review)
We developed spatial models of inundation by SLR, urban growth, and ecosystem migration. Our model of inundation incorporated probability distribution models of SLR, 1 in 100 year storm events, and uncertainty in digital elevation models.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)Sea level rise and vulnerable species: A study of the False water rat (Xeromys myoides) Summary of Traill et al. (2011)
The Water Mouse (False water rat) is a native placental mammal that is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN Red List. Principal threats include predation by introduced mammals, in particular cats as well as habitat degradation by feral pigs, pollution and habitat loss due to urban development. Entrainment in crab pots has also been reported. Close proximity of urban and mangrove habitat leads to high mortality of the Water Mouse due to predation by cats and foxes or other effects of urban environments.
Repository ItemSummary of Biophysical Data for Climate Change Adaptation for the East Coast Cluster
Models, data and tools are available to spatially identify projected changes to natural resources in response to climate change (usually no cost to download). They are useful for decision support in land use planning under future climate change, although often require GIS skills and downscaling for regional applications. The information provided here can be used as a starting platform for climate change adaptation, but because this information is constantly evolving, this list is not exhaustive.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)Socio-Economic Vulnerability in the East Coast Cluster Natural Resource Management Regions: Assessment Approach: Interim Report (May 2014)
This report outlines an approach for assessing socio-economic vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in six natural resource management regions on the east coast of Australia.
Repository ItemBurnett Mary: Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the horticultural sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the Burnett Mary horticultural sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Repository ItemSouth East Queensland: Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the horticultural sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the South East Queensland horticultural sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Repository ItemHawkesbury-Nepean: Socio-economic vulnerability of the horticultural sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the Hawkesbury-Nepean horticultural sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Repository ItemFitzroy: Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the grazing sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the Fitzroy grazing sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Repository ItemNorthern Rivers: Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the grazing sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the Northern Rivers grazing sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Repository ItemHunter-Central Rivers: Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the grazing sector
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the Hunter-Central Rivers grazing sector using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
Repository ItemCoastal Vulnerability: An integrated framework for first order assessment of the risk of estuaries to climate change in the east cost NRM cluster
Resources for high resolution assessments of vulnerability are limited. First pass assessments of vulnerability, based on sound scientific data, can be used for prioritisation of areas for targeted vulnerability assessments.
Repository Item chemical/x-pdbCoastal vulnerability: Scale dependence of estuary response to sea-level rise: towards a framework for vulnerability assessment
The aim was to develop a systematic approach to coastal vulnerability assessment that maximises planning outcomes. Planning for coastal adaptation to sea-level rise requires a considered approach to vulnerability assessment that captures all the processes influencing coastal geomorphology. This requires considerable investment.
Repository ItemCoastal Vulnerability: Existing spatial projections of coastal wetland response to sea-level rise in the East Coast NRM cluster
Sea level is rising and the rate of sea-level rise is projected to accelerate in the 21st century. This will increase the elevation of shorelines along the open coast and within bays and estuaries.The aim was to investigate coastal wetland ecosystem response modelling in the east Coast NRM to identify flaws in existing spatial projections and outcomes that are common between approaches. It is anticipated that this information will be used to guide interpretation of spatial projections and selection of models for future spatial projections of coastal wetland response to sea-level rise.
Repository ItemAnalysis of the Needs of the East Coast Cluster Regional Natural Resource Management Bodies in Relation to Planning for Climate Change Adaptation
Analysis of the Needs of the East Coast Cluster Regional Natural Resource Management Bodies in Relation to Planning for Climate Change Adaptation
Repository Item text/texmacsEast Coast Cluster Research Projects
This report is a collection of brief descriptions of the research projects to be undertaken for the East Coast Cluster.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)Spatial data for agriculture and climate change projections in the East Coast Cluster
This dataset contains ascii files for the agricultural modelling conducted for the ECC NRM groups.
Repository ItemFirst order assessment of the risk of estuaries to climate change in the east coast NRM cluster
Vulnerability can be described in terms of the exposure and sensitivity of a system to climate change drivers, and the capacity of a system to adapt to climate change drivers. This can be integrated with estuary geomorphology to indicate the future vulnerability of an estuary to geomorphic change.The aim was to apply an integrated framework for assessing the future vulnerability of an estuary to geomorphic change as a first order assessment of vulnerability of estuaries in the east coast NRM
Repository ItemCoastal Vulnerability: Indicator based modelling of the response of mangrove and saltmarsh to climate change and climatic variability on the Hunter River
Mangrove and saltmarsh are at the interface between the land and the sea. Changes in their elevation and distribution may be an indicator of changes in the relationship between the land and sea. The aim was to determine whether surface elevation trends and the variability around trends are primarily influenced by climatic or hydrological variables
Repository ItemCropping and Climate Change in the East Coast Cluster: Impacts & Opportunities
The focus of this briefing note is to assist regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) and Local Land Services (LLS) groups within the East Coast Cluster to plan future engagement with the cropping industry on issues related to climate change.
Repository ItemGrazing and Climate Change in the East Coast Cluster: Impacts & Opportunities
The focus of this briefing note is to assist regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) and Local Land Services (LLS) groups within the East Coast Cluster to plan future engagement with the grazing industry on issues related to climate change.
Repository ItemHorticulture and Climate Change in the East Coast Cluster: Impacts & Opportunities
The focus of this briefing note is to assist regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) and Local Land Services (LLS) groups within the East Coast Cluster to plan future engagement with the horticultural industry on issues related to climate change.
Repository ItemCoastal vulnerability to sea level rise
This case study report describes the methodology of a scale-dependent three-pass approach to coastal modelling.
Repository ItemCoastal Processes, Tourism and Climate Change in the East Coast Cluster: Impacts & Opportunities
The focus of this briefing note is to assist regional Natural Resource Management (NRM) and Local Land Services (LLS) groups within the East Coast Cluster to plan future engagement with the coastal tourism industry and other coastal managers on issues related to climate change.
Repository Item Octet StreamCarbon farming and natural resource management in eastern Australia
This report analyses the potential for vegetation-based carbon farming activities in east coast Australia and reviews the likely co-benefits and dis-benefits to ecosystem function that could occur as a result of increased vegetation across the landscape, brought about by these activities.
Repository ItemBlue Carbon: Costs and opportunities for preserving coastal wetlands under sea level rise
Global sea level rise is one impact of climate change that has seen recent upward revisions as further information becomes available. These revisions, combined with the accelerated subsidence of deltas from anthropogenic activity (such as fossil fuel and water extraction and the trapping of sediment in reservoirs), warrants urgent attention and the development of sound pre-emptive adaptation strategies, even when the area of coastal wetlands is projected to expand under sea level rise, the cost of preserving these wetlands is still likely to be greater with sea level rise than without it. Despite the higher costs of preserving wetlands under sea level rise, we show that payments for ecosystem services have the potential to offset the opportunity cost of the reserve network.
Repository Item Troff documentEngagement Report
The aim of the Planners Working Group was to identify the needs of the NRM bodies as a focus for research by the consortium partners. It served as the primary mechanism for information sharing and capacity building throughout the project.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)East Coast Cluster Research Projects
This report is a collection of brief descriptions of the research projects to be undertaken for the East Coast Cluster. The aim of the document is to provide more information on each of the research elements and to facilitate input from the regional body planners and other researchers to each of the research projects. More detailed descriptions of the expected project outputs will also facilitate use of the research by the regional NRM bodies.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)East Coast Cluster Research Projects
This report is a collection of brief descriptions of the research projects to be undertaken for the East Coast Cluster. The aim of the document is to provide more information on each of the research elements and to facilitate input from the regional body planners and other researchers to each of the research projects. More detailed descriptions of the expected project outputs will also facilitate use of the research by the regional NRM bodies.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)Planners Working Group (PWG) workshop summary April 2014
This report is a summary of the East Coast Cluster Planners Working Group workshop held in April 2014. The objectives of this report are to:  provide a summary of the workshop  provide an opportunity for workshop participants to reflect on the content and processes for the workshop, and share those reflections with other participants  provide ideas to improve future workshops and the wider project.
Repository Item Troff document (with manpage macros)Summary of the East Coast Cluster Planners Working Group workshop April 2015.
Aims of the Workshop: Focusing on application of research to NRM planning • Developing planning packages Reflection on processes Where to next
Repository Item text/texmacsEast Coast Cluster Report - Climate Change in Australia Projections for Australia’s Natural Resource Management Regions: Cluster Reports
This report presents projections of future climate for the East Coast based on our current understanding of the climate system, historical trends and model simulations of the climate response to changing greenhouse gas and aerosol emissions. The report aims to assist regional decision-makers in understanding the important messages deduced from climate change projection modelling. It presents a range of emissions scenarios across multiple variables and years.
Repository ItemEast Coast - Climate Change in Australia - Projections for Australia's NRM Regions [brochure]
One of a set of brochures that summarises key climate change projections for each of the eight NRM clusters. The brochures are a useful tool for community engagement.
Repository Item Troff documentFinal Engagement Report
This report has been produced as part of the Climate Change Adaptation for Natural Resource Management in East Coast Australia project. The project is being delivered by six consortium partners: University of Queensland (Consortium leader); University of the Sunshine Coast; CSIRO; New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage; and Queensland Department of Science, IT, Innovation and the Arts (Queensland Herbarium) to foster and support an effective “community of practice” for climate adaptation within the East Coast Cluster regions that will increase the capacity for adaptation to climate and ocean change through enhancements in knowledge and skills, and through the establishment of long term collaborations.
Repository ItemPlanning Packages
This report has been produced as part of the Climate Change Adaptation for Natural Resource Management in East Coast Australia project. The project is being delivered by six consortium partners: University of Queensland (Consortium leader); Griffith University; University of the Sunshine Coast; CSIRO; New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage; and Queensland Department of Science, IT, Innovation and the Arts (Queensland Herbarium) to foster and support an effective “community of practice” for climate adaptation within the East Coast Cluster regions that will increase the capacity for adaptation to climate and ocean change through enhancements in knowledge and skills, and through the establishment of long term collaborations. Funding for the project is received from the Australian Government as part of the Natural Resource Management Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Research Grants Program, under Stream 2 of the Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change Fund.
Repository Item application/rls-services+xmlEast Coast Lows Research Program Synthesis for NRM Stakeholders
This report is a synthesis of the findings of the Eastern Seaboard Climate Change Initiative – East Coast Lows (ESCCI-ECL) research program. It provides an overview for natural resource managers and emergency services on the effects of east coast lows (ECLs) and how they may alter under a changing climate.


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